Life Restored

Vocational Training

Vocational Training

While in The Bridge 12-month minimum Recovery Program, residents have the awesome opportunity to learn a trade & life skills that they can use after graduation. Through our work program, residents learn how to function sober day after day with a strict routine. This serves three purposes:

Receive training to provide job skills and stability for themselves and their families upon graduation from the program.
(Prov. 14:23 / 2 Thess. 3:10).

Builds self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment in the area of work ethics.
(Phil. 2:29 / Prov. 13:19).

Helps to provide some of the necessary income the Ministry needs to continue serving others.

inside second chance thrift store - monterey : manequin with green dress on behind white end table with pink purse & basket with shoes on top of the table in forefront. Background: another manequin with green dress on, in front of wood basket wall

Second Chance

Thrift Stores

Second Chance Thrift Stores provide retail training & life skills for residents of the Bridge as well as financial support for the Bridge by collecting donated goods for resale. We desire that the ministry of Second Chance be a witness and light to the community of the life changing power of Jesus Christ.

Visit our stores in Pacific Grove and Monterey & shop online with us!

Bridge resident in apron holding two plates with fried ball shape appetizers.

The Bridge Culinary


The Bridge Culinary Program has an overall purpose of teaching residents culinary & life skills that could bring them out of their old ways and into a successful the ever expanding field of hospitality.

red wall with grey mops leaned against it


The Bridge Janitorial Program has an overall purpose of equipping residents janitorial & life skills that help them with future job opportunities. This program takes place at our home church where various property maintenance and custodial tasks are completed on a weekly basis.