Featured Stories
Homeboy Industries
A couple of staff members of The Bridge recently traveled to Homeboy Industries to see the services they offer to the men and women in Los Angeles coming out of the gang lifestyle.
It is our desire at The Bridge to similarly offer multiple services to our residents, so they can be better prepare for the future.
It is always an encouragement to see someone else doing a similar work, and glean from them to become better or accomplish more.
Gleaning from Homeboy Industries
Homeboy Industries was started by Father Greg Boyle in 1988 to offer services to improve the lives of former gang members and get them off the streets in East Los Angeles, California. “We imagine a world without prisons, and then we try to create that world” – Father Greg Boyle. As the largest gang rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world, it helps former gang members get off the streets, assists with court hearings, and provides access to various education opportunities.
A couple of staff members of The Bridge recently traveled to Homeboy Industries to see the services they offer to the men and women in L.A. coming out of the gang lifestyle. It is our desire at The Bridge to similarly offer multiple services to our residents, so they can be better prepare for the future. Such services include parenting or anger management classes, computer education classes as well as working with the court system, probation and parole. In fact, many residents are currently enrolled at the PG adult school to obtain their High School Diploma or HiSET.
It is always an encouragement to see someone else doing a similar work, and glean from them to become better or accomplish more.
Staff Graduates
Featuring our Second Chance Thrift Store Staff, who are graduates of The Bridge’s recovery program, and have the unique opportunity to mentor while at work.
Second Chance Thrift Store’s Staff Graduates
“Since 2012 when Second Chance Thrift Store first opened, we had a goal of providing employment for Bridge residents, both men and women. Since that time, Second Chance in Monterey opened and an entirely new venture of retail development has taken place with an exciting future ahead.” - Rick Barnett, Board Chairman
“(Second Chance Thrift Store) provides vocational training for Bridge residents in the first phase of the program, as well as providing some jobs for some of our graduates. The vocational training is invaluable for life skills and many other things. And for those who do end up coming on for a season to work here at Second Chance, that is really good for our brand new residents, especially those who are struggling. Residents who have gone before them can just help talk them through different things and struggles. The other thing that we wanted second chance to be able to do was to be a resource to the community. So that people can come in and ask questions. So thank you for supporting that!” - Michele Casey, Store Manager of Second Chance and Program Manager of The Bridge Restoration Ministry
Here are a few quotes from our staff members who are also graduates of The Bridge’s recovery program:
Vanessa - “I started working at Second Chance to get the opportunity to help other people.”
Angel - “I love working (here) because it’s a great environment with great people. It’s a sober space and a place with a lot of love for God.”
Marcus - “I really love working at Second Chance Thrift Store is how much I have gotten back from this ministry and being able to serve my fellow brothers and sisters of the community. That’s been one of the things that’s helped bring me closer to Christ and I appreciate that.”
Hannah - “…It’s a way for me to stay connected and also be involved with the new girls coming into the program… I like working with the clothes and being able to help keep things organized, and seeing all the people I love every day. They’re my family.“
Q - “The reason I wanted to work here was to stay connected. I like the accountability, positive environment, and it’s helping me with my faith and in my walk. So thank you to The Bridge and Second Chance for giving me this opportunity.”
Terri - “The reason why I stay here is (because) I want to make a difference in that person who might be struggling - well, we are all struggling - I want to be an encouragement to the ones who are in the program.“
James - “I love it here, I love all the people that work here. Praise be to God.“
Shirlee - “The reason why I choose to work at Second Chance is to stay connected.“
Ashlee - “I choose to stay at the store because it keeps me connected, plugged in and accountable and I completely have a heart for The Bridge and what it’s done for my life and what it’s doing for all of the other lives that are being restored here.“
Local Partnerships
Featuring our partnership with and support from Dr. Casey Grover & Dr. Reb Close.
The Bridge’s Superheroes
Marvel and DC comics both have a variety of Superheroes to call on in a moment’s notice to battle evil and save humanity. The war on drugs has been lost, however the evil we are currently fighting is addiction that is a battle that rages on. Thankfully we have our own Superheroes, Dr. Casey Grover and his wife Dr. Reb Close. Both graduated from UCLA School of Medicine. Dr. Grover completed his residency at Stanford and Dr. Close completed hers at UCLA. Both have been a fixture at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP) and both are working hard to break the stigma of addiction and give those struggling treatment options. It’s rare to find such a dedicated team as Reb and Casey.
Recently I had the opportunity to refer a young man who was desperately trying to get free from his addiction to opiates that he had been struggling with for 10 years. Unfortunately, it’s the typical story that starts with prescription pain medication and when that gets too difficult or expensive the addict turns to heroin, which unfortunately is inexpensive and easy to get. This caused him to be separated from his wife and two children. I sent him to see Dr. Grover who was able to help him safely detox so he could begin his residency at The Bridge. It’s great that we have such dedicated people that we can call on in a moment’s notice. Recently Dr. Close gave up her position as an emergency room doctor to pursue addiction medicine. She is soon to be board certified in addiction medicine. Dr. Grover is also pursuing his board certification in addiction medicine.
Thank you for choosing to partner with The Bridge in the battle against addiction.
Reb & Casey
Changing one life at a time…
If you feel moved by this story… please partner with us to see more lives restored.