I was blessed with 5 kids by the age of twenty five, even though I was using every drug known to man.
I turned my back to God at a young age, after being raised by Christ loving parents. I was blessed with 5 kids by the age of twenty five, even though I was using every drug known to man. I seemed to have a voice deep down, reminding me that what I was doing was wrong, ultimately i now understand this was God tugging on my heart. Running away from my problems just made things worse. Trying to cover up my actions by lying just made it worse and became tiring, I didn't really know what the truth was at times.
The people I surrounded myself with were undoubtedly not God seeking people, totally ungodly and living in the flesh and sin of this world. I eventually found myself turning into my own worst nightmare, robbing and stealing from everyone from perfect strangers to family members. Sin was no stranger to me. It was like I was living to sin instead of living for Christ. God has plans for sure! While living all those years in habitual sin, I believed in Jesus. Awkward? Yes!...I used to run from Him, now I run to Him!
My actions ultimately caused God to take everything away from me. My kids, wife, family, finances, personal belongings, even clothes, EVERYTHING!!! God did leave me with one thing, ROCK BOTTOM. I found myself in jail facing prison with no hope in sight. While awaiting sentencing in county jail for a few months, I found myselfbeing interviewed by Mike Casey to see if i was a fit to be released to The Bridge instead of jail time. Then God really started to show himself. I get released to The Bridge 2 days later. As God pulled me out of the darkness, he definitely had a strong hold of me of which I am still in awe of.
I finally surrendered my life to God at a night of worship and from that day on it was the beginning of a slow transformation into a man of God. Being of service is what God has put on my heart to do. Since I have made to available to do so, God has slowly begun the reconciliation of my family, what would be obstacles in my life have simply removed by God's hand, blessings if I told you, you would definitely say God is moving for sure. I faithfully believe God will provide, and he does.
Devoting my life to serve Jesus by helping with Refuge Church in Salinas, working for Cornerstone Hauling & Gardening, Volunteering my time to Cornerstone New Hope Ministries, serving on a few faith advisory councils in the city of Salinas including the Sheriff's Department of Monterey County, Salinas Fire Department, the Mayor's Office of Salinas, and soon the Monterey County Probation Department. The list actually goes on, but my point isJesus saved us by dying on the cross and if we believe that anything is possible!