Life Restored

The Program


The Recovery Program requires a 12-month commitment to our Christian-based residential facility. We are designed primarily for men and women with substance abuse problems who have made a decision to change their lives.

We live in a structured family setting and everyone is assigned daily chores that promote continual maintenance of the facility. We have House Managers whose primary function is to promote a healthy environment for all residents.

Residents are required to participate in all in-house Bible studies including weekly Regeneration meetings and all other counseling and group meetings.

Multi-Phase Program Focuses



The 4 Aspects of the Program

key initiatives:

  • We are a residential program.

  • We follow a Christ-centered discipleship program.

  • Our residents attend various Bible studies and group meetings weekly.

  • We attend a Bible-believing church each week.

  • We encourage residents to have an active prayer life.

  • We offer support to the families of our residents.

  • We have limited transitional housing for our male graduates.

  • We prepare and enable our residents to re-enter society.

  • We offer a “worker’s phase” to ensure smooth transition.


Life Restored.

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