First off, thank you so much for your interest with investing into the lives of the bridge residents.
The very next thing you need to know is that it's not as scary as you might think.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to love God, love others, and make disciples. By becoming a mentor, you will be caring for a fellow brother or sister in Christ who needs someone to dialogue with. The programs, curriculums, structure, studies, and learning are already in place through the Bridge Program - but a friendly listening ear is a huge part of the success in the lives of the residents.
The residents themselves will tell you how much they desire to have someone to have real life conversations. Some guys are fathers or new husbands or ex-cons, and men that have made some really bad choices that just need to dialogue about how to make better choices – they’ll have questions. You being there to talk about how to be a better father or to listen about where their marriage or life is at is so needed! You’ll have great opportunities to organically share wisdom and show kindness as well.
Lastly, you’re not responsible for change in their life. You’re there to talk through what change can look like.
The Bridge women already have an established discipleship program in place so as of right now, were only seeking to bolster the men's mentorship program.
Mentorship Application
In order to become a mentor, please fill out the below application. You will then be contacted and asked to join a brief meeting in order to acquaint you with the process, goals and resident pairing process. We ask that you commit to at least 2 meetings a month (weekly is ideal). For any further questions, please reach out to the office at
Monthly Meeting Log
As a mentor, you are asked to fill out a brief form on a monthly basis so the Bridge mentorship team can understand your and the resident's goals, successes, challenges and prayer requests.
Join us on a Monday evening for the addiction focused public church gathering called Regeneration. You will get to meet some of the residents and hear a sermon from Mike Casey, the Bridge's founder who is also on pastoral staff at Calvary Monterey.