I came into the Bridge a broken man.
I came into the Bridge a broken man. My 18 year old son had told me I was the only one who could repair what I had damaged. The chaos I created with my drinking and prescription addiction dismantled my life from being a productive building contractor to sleeping on the beach. Since graduating from The Bridge program, I work as the House manager of The Bridge Restoration Ministry. I am also a project manager for a large construction company now. I am the quality control on site at The Bridge. I keep the rules enforced and the house as a whole moving in the right direction. Moreover, my son and I have reconciled and are rebuilding our relationship on a daily basis.
My introduction and relationship with God has transformed me from a fearful life to a fearless life. I have a peace inside now that was never there, a calmness that I try to instill in the guys. I lead by example. I am not pastoral but believe our actions dictate how we are perceived. At some point in life we must draw a line in the sand. The Bridge was that for me. I was able to rest and gather some positive thoughts which made me able to make right decisions. I remodeled the Second Chance Thrift store. I helped with many projects at the Bridge and worked with Moe at the City of Pacific Grove Chamber. I am building a resume in my life as a sober Christian.
The motto I have taken up is “do the next right thing”. It’s our mantra at the Bridge. We strive to keep introducing the positive small things so that eventually it becomes second nature to carry yourself with integrity. My promise to anyone about The Bridge Restoration Ministry is “If you finish this program and give it 100%, I promise you will get back all you lost and more. “ I thank God, Mike, Michele and all the board members for their support and hope I can help this program continue to grow. I have Grace.