You Can Help
Learn more about how you can engage with The Bridge Restoration Ministry through Legacy Giving.
Legacy Giving
The Bridge Restoration Ministry exists to provide a safe, structured, supervised, residential setting for those struggling with addiction for the purpose of restoring them back to God, family, work and community.
You can provide lasting support for The Bridge Restoration Ministry, a 501 (c)(3) organization, by leaving a legacy.
There are several ways to accomplish this meaningful goal. You may leave a bequest in your will, designate The Bridge as a beneficiary in your insurance policy or retirement account, create a Charitable Remainder Trust or make periodic gifts in your lifetime.
It’s as easy as a simple designation in your will or trust. It won’t affect your cash flow during your lifetime and can be revoked or amended if your situation changes.
Life Insurance Policies
Did you know you can make a gift by assigning The Bridge Restoration Ministry as beneficiary to your policy?
Retirement plans
They are tax free if given to The Bridge Restoration Ministry, but can be taxed if passed to heirs.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Your Trust is donated to The Bridge Restoration Ministry but you continue to receive income from the trust during your lifetime. A donor of a Trust avoids capital gains on the donated assets, may receive an income tax deduction and, in addition, the asset is removed from the estate, reducing subsequent estate taxes.
How do you do this?
Contact your attorney, financial institution or insurance company for a simple bequest form.