Life Restored




A lot of different things happened that cumulated in me entering the Bridge. I was in a bad abusive relationship. The more I stayed there, the worse it got. When I was pregnant, I was in a severe car accident. I was thrown out of my seat, with a fractured C2 vertebra. I was so scared of being paralyzed, but I wasn’t. I look back at those miracles, moments where I could’ve died, and realize God protected me all those times. But it still took me a while to put forth the changes that God called on me to make. 

At the time, I was going to be 50 years old, I was in this spot that I would run back to my abuser, get beaten, get drunk afterward. I called Michelle, and she told me, “Kimberly, it’s been four years.” That was when I went into the program. I had my 23-year-old son, and a friend of mine drop me off, and I left my family behind. I let go and let God handle it.  

I had to be dropped off over 8 hours away to the Bridge. I tried another program that gave so much freedom, but I left twice on my own and went back to my abuser. Here, I can’t do that, I couldn’t run if I wanted to. It became a place where I submitted and stood on my faith, where the doors kept opening up. 

It started out being surrounded by strangers. But, we truly did one thing and believed in one thing. We focused on our recovery and studies together. The church and people here love me. I’m blessed. There’s nothing to compare it to. Every day it’s a battle, times still get tough. I still have to go through mixed emotions. But even now, I can’t believe how much God has done. 

If it wasn’t for the Bridge Restoration Ministry, I wouldn’t have been able to start my life. The people here – all of them – the friends you make are your family. I never felt love outside of this program. I am just genuinely grateful as the program became my security. All glory to God. It’s a whole new life. I’ve been so welcomed. I’m truly blessed that God has brought me here. 

My advice for people going into the program, just let go and let God, and everything will work out. You’re surrounded by people who love you and will help you walk through it.